Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Breakfast at the Shire

Wednesday mornings have become a pleasant ritual of friends and food. A chocolate chip pancake smothered with a 'bery' delicious blueberry sauce (that joke is of no charge) tastes so much better when your sitting next to a friend.  Thank you to all the wonderful women at the Shire for taking us in when we had no hill to dine under.


artist credit: Sarah Black

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Used to be this Tiny...

I did a baby shoot and it hit me...I use to be one of these...weak, vulnerable, helpless, and in need of my father and mother's care.  So much goes into raising children from their infancy to adulthood.  It's so surreal to think that I've lived over a quarter of my life as an adult where I've learned (and still continue to do so) the happy medium of interdependency - not being pridefully independent or overtly dependent.  I wouldn't be true to myself if said, "I don't need anyone," or "I can't function without this person in my life."  Choosing a mindset of "We" rather than "Me" is so counter-cultural.   I'm so thankful for my family and friends :D


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Survived Sun Devil Survivor

Man that was a tiring but awesome weekend!  I had the opportunity to video/photograph all the excitement at Sun Devil Survivor put on by Hope Christian Church at beautiful Pine Summit, Arizona.  All the running around in my vibrams had me sleeping in the next day.  It was all worth it though!  A ton of students from ASU got connected and that is some sweet stuff!